Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How to get "Genie Free Streaming Pass"

1. Download Genie Music Apps Genie Music

2. After downloading the apps, install it on your phone.

3. Open Genie Music apps and click "..." in the bottom right.

4. Click 로그인

 5. Login using your Kakaotalk account. Kakaotalk is prefered because there's a chance you might not be able to login using your SNS account.

 6. When you login using Kakaotalk, this page will appear. Check all the boxes on the sides, fill up the first box with your "username", after you fill up the box, click 중복확인 for ID confirmation and the second box with your email.

7. After login using Kakaotalk account, click 내정보

8. When you click 내정보, a pop-up will appear and click on the red box.

8(b). If this doesnot appear, scroll down to the bottom and click the link that I circled.

9. After clicking the red box, you'll be redirected to a new page and click on the brown box to share your "Genie Link" with your friends

10. When you shared your link to your Kakaotalk friends, it will appear like this. 

11. You can share the link as much as you want. If 9 people who don't have Genie account yet registered using your shared link, you will have 50 songs free streaming pass for 30 days. If not, you'll get 10 songs streaming pass for 3 days. If you don't have a free streaming pass anymore, keep on sharing the link to your Kakao friends.

-Daily Namjoon


  1. Genie Music App looks great and easy in use. I love watching live streaming of movies and TV shows, for this purpose, I always go with Popcorn Time. In my view, It is the best live streaming site like Genie Music App. Thanks for the great info!

  2. YO ! Thanks for posting this mate. This was useful to me and I am sure will be to a lot of other people. Good work.

  3. Hi can I ask you? How can I dm u?

  4. hi! if no one sign in using our links..do we still get the free streaming?

    1. oh we will got it!! Thanks for the tutorial! xoxo!

    2. Hi! May I know the answer to your question? I have the same question! Will we still get the passes if no one registers using our link?

  5. I got 10 passes several times. I did exactly what you said but the link to share on kakao never appears. Now I can't get anything. Not even 10 passes anymore. Please help me. I want to help bangtan.

  6. Hi, I already shared the link... But I get not the free streaming pass... Can you help me?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. hey! is there a limit to getting the 10 streaming passes? i've shared the links many times today but i can't get 10 streaming passes anymore? it was fine up to yesterday :( i just updated it ;-; could that be the reason?

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  10. Guys can you give me you kakao id cause i dont have any friend so i cant send it to anyone. Plsss

  11. Hi guys.. What if i only sent the link to one kakao friend only.. Can i still get a free pass? I only have one friend in kakao at this time.. 😭😭😭

  12. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who have the same problem
    I don't get free streaming pass anymore :( Already shared the link for like the 6th time but I can't stream anymore! Help please!

    1. I just foud that you can only share the invitation 20 times :(

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Can i get free streaming pass if i use twitter account?
